Let’s tell a tale of magical Fairy Grandma Stevens! She’s the best Grandma Fairy in the land. The world is a better place because of her. While in human form, her career as a nurse spanned decades, but culminated in the care she gave to her family and friends. There was no “owie” or sickness a bit of her chicken noodle soup and tender loving care couldn’t supernaturally cure.
From midnight tea parties to watching royal weddings, to magically building a playhouse out of a card table and quilt, she loved to watch little ones make memories! She enjoyed all the little things in life. She loved to sing a melodic tune or old hymn, in fact, her voice was like an angel. Her faith was strong, and spirit gentle. Even the smallest creatures were loved by her. She enjoyed each song from the birds at her feeders and she planted special flowers for the tiniest butterflies and hummingbirds. Pansies were her floral favorite.
She loved to bake and cook for others! Her special treats were the best. She even kept frozen candy bars on hand for the grandkids and friends after a hot summer day at the park pool. Each holiday shared with her was a celebration to remember, complete with decorations and special treats for all who joined in the fun. She passed down many tasty traditions for the generations like springerle, spritz cookies, and lamb cakes. She always loved to share the bounty she prepared with others and knew that the gift of food fed more than the tummy, it fed one’s soul.
She was an advocate for the old, champion for the underdog, friend for the lonely, and giver extraordinaire! So, remembering her is easy! Living out her legacy is the challenge, but since a fairy is a mythical being with supernatural powers, we know her legacy will take flight in each of us and as part of Fairy Wonderland Park. How will you carry on those magical memories of your favorite fairies?
By Melissa Stevens Freiermuth.