We are a group of parents who have a vision of honoring some pretty special children who left this earth WAY too soon….. Ava, Ellery and Tyler. After the loss of a child, there is NOTHING worse than the thought of people forgetting your child. So, we put our broken hearts and minds together and have come up with a way to remember our children while creating joy for others.
Healing Play, Inc. Board Members.
My name is Alison Ennenga. I am a wife and proud mother of 5 wonderful children, Brahm, Aubryn, Emilyn, Ellery and Bryar. On July 26th, 2015 our hearts were broken and our lives were forever changed when our 2 year old daughter, Ellery, drown. Since that day, I made a commitment to carry on Ellery’s Legacy by putting smiles on other’s faces through acts of kindness, spreading love, and helping many people in her name. I am thrilled to be a part of Healing Play where we are creating a magical and mystical life size Fairy Wonderland Park honoring Ellery, and Ellery creating smiles and sharing their legacy for years to come.
My name is Bethany Christianson and I have lived in Prescott, Wisconsin for 14 years with my husband Jay. I am also the Mother of Ava and Audrey. In October 2017 our family lost Ava after a 5 year battle with Leukemia. Ava was a happy girl that loved to be with her friends and also loved being with younger children, especially her Sister. I am passionate about building the Fairy Wonderland Park because it is a unique and whimsical park for children of all ages and I know Ava would have loved everything about it.
My name is Abbi Nawrocki and I have lived in Prescott, Wisconsin for over 20 years with my husband and our two children. Our family lives in the same neighborhood as Ava and Ellery’s families, we attend school, church and community events together. I became involved with Healing Play after speaking with Alison one afternoon about how Ellery’s life and death impacted our family, at the time of her passing my husband was a volunteer firefighter and on the rescue call for Ellery. Alison was telling me about the park and the fundraising events they were working on and I knew I could apply my work experience with events to fundraising events for the park. I jumped in for the second annual trivia night and have been part of this passion project since. It has been a great joy working to create something so unique and whimsical for the community we live in, all in loving memory of some amazing children. I look forward to Fairy Wonderland Park being a memory making destination for visitors near and far right here in our hometown.
My name is Mindy Allsop. I live with my husband Josh and three children, Alayna, Addyson and Adyn, on a small hobby farm in Western Wisconsin. My daughter Addy was best friends with Bethany’s daughter Ava. After Ava passed away Addy has been having a hard time dealing with her grief. TheFairy Wonderland is meant to be a place of healing, while at the same time honoring Ava, Ellery and others gone too soon. I am so honored to be a part of Healing Play Inc. and all it stands for.