Fairy Wonderland Park is a life-sized fairy garden for kids of all ages and abilities.
Fairy Wonderland is a whimsical outdoor place for children to use creative play and imagination while wandering around toadstools and climbing through fairy houses.
Listen up.
Check out a recent radio interview with KDWA.

What is a Forever Fairy?
Fairy Wonderland is sponsored by real people — A Forever Fairy is a unique way for you to honor your loved ones past and present through your own personalized fairy and tribute page! You can simply click on a fairy and begin connecting with others from around the world or purchase your own fairy. Enter Dream Catcher Cove above to see all of our fairy inhabitants or click on purchase fairy below to get started on creating your own Forever Fairy.
Purchase a Forever Fairy.

Our Mission:
To provide a unique, engaging and safe environment for kids of all abilities, while learning through purposeful play.
Our Vision:
To continue to honor our children and create joy and fun for years to come. To inspire family time and opportunities for fun physical activity.